
Matasaru School is located in Matasaru village, Dambovita county and has a total of 21 teachers who are taking care of the education of 169 students aged between 6 and15 years. Many of the students come from families with low income, reason for receiving social scholarships and free school supplies. Also, there are some students whose parents are working abroad. The village has a very low social and economic level, the main occupations of the inhabitants being subsistence agriculture and breeding animals, so it is considered by the Dambovita County Council a socially and economically disadvantaged area.
The school mission is to provide a positive learning environment, using new teaching strategies, forming communicational competences and collaborative skills, preparing citizens for integration into community and promoting genuine national and universal values, based on mutual respect and self-discipline.
The school has experience in implementing international projects, being involved in a Comenius partnership about environment protection and an Erasmus+ KA2 strategic partnership about treasure hunt. Among the tasks of our project team was desktop publishing and printing the eco-dictionary and calendar of environmental events, very appreciated in Made for Europe contest, county level, and setting up Facebook page of the project.
The project team has experience in implementing projects of strategic partnership (project coordinator), the organization of non-formal education (educational advisor), and volunteering (the coordinator of the National Strategy for Community Action).
Leisure time - Romania
The school has experience in implementing international projects, being involved in a Comenius partnership about environment protection and an Erasmus+ KA2 strategic partnership about treasure hunt. Among the tasks of our project team was desktop publishing and printing the eco-dictionary and calendar of environmental events, very appreciated in Made for Europe contest, county level, and setting up Facebook page of the project.
The project team has experience in implementing projects of strategic partnership (project coordinator), the organization of non-formal education (educational advisor), and volunteering (the coordinator of the National Strategy for Community Action).

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